Açaí Brazil Blog

5 açaí benefits for health

A fruit from a tree called acaizeiro, the acai is typically a brazilian fruit that growns on tropical forests of Amazon. Richin proteins, fibers and lipids, it is an excelent source of vitamins C, B1, and B2, besides possessing a good quantity of phosphate, iron and calcium. Check out the 5 benefits of acai to your health.

#1 Preventing cancer

Acai contains anthocyanin, a specific type of antioxidant that plays an important role on prevention to cancer. Besides that, the other antioxidants found in the fruit are also beneficial in fighting free radicals.

#2 lowering cholesterol

Recent studies show that even with a diet rich in fat, individuals that consume the acai pulp show lower levels of cholesterol LDL. Aside from that, the anthocyanin present in the fruit also help in the reduction of the cholesterol level.

#3 hearts health

A study published in 2011, on Atherosclerosis magazine, found out that the acai juice protects against atherosclerosis, which means, stiffening of the arteries , once it inhibits the production of post inflammatory cytokines . Besides that, the reduction of the cholesterol level is also very beneficial for the hearts health.

#4 imune system

The antioxidants present in the acai, including high levels of vitamin C, helps on the maintenance of the imune system. Besides that, recent studies identified that the fruit can also help on treatment of symptoms of inflammatory diseases.

#5 slow aging

Another important function of the antioxidants present in the acai is the reduction of the effects of aging. The flavonoids and the anthocyanin present in the fruit protects the cells inside the body, which ends up lowering cell degeneration and helping the body stay healthy and young.

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