Açaí Brazil Blog

Curiosities: History of Açaí

Acai is one of the main food in northern and northeastern regions of Brazil, and the production of this delicacy is manly concentrated in the amazon region. Fruit of the acaizeiro, a tree that can reach up to 30 meters of height, can also be found in other countries such as Venezuela and Ecuador.

The consumption of the fruit in Brazil dates back to pre-colombian times, before the traveling era of Cristovao Colombo, dated from 1492 to 1504. And, since the 80's, acai is being cultivated in many Brazilian states, having conquered the national market - and, most recently, the international.

The Brazilian states of Pará and Amazon are the biggest producers of the fruit, being responsible for roughly 85% of worlds production, and the city of Igarapé-Miri, in Pará, in known worldwide as the "capital of acai".

Round shaped and purple colored, the fruit has a small seed and little pulp. The fruit is found in bunches, and each tree trunk of the acaizeiro produces, on average, up to four bunches.

Health and well being

Associated with life quality, the acai is rich in vitamins from complex B and C, besides having mineral salt, like iron, calcium and potassium. Also rich in antocianin, substance responsible for blood circulation.

With a considerable amount of proteins, it is ideal to be consumed after exercising to replenish the energy, or even on breakfast, contributing to an increasingly healthy routine.

Versatile, the fruit can be consumed in many ways, being the pulp, ice creams, jellies, juices, smoothies or pureé, a common way of consuming it in the region that it is originally from, the northeast.

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